
When God Says, “Go For It!”

Sometimes God says “YES!”
If you are one of my faithful email friends you know that just last week I told you all about how sometimes, God says, “No.”

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How To Handle Rejection

I stepped out of the bathroom. I had just washed my face and put on my PJ’s when I walked backed into the bedroom where my friends were gathered in the walk-in closet all giggling. “Hey! What are you guys doing? What’s happening in there?”

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What To Do When God Speaks

Have you ever heard God speak? I don’t mean audibly. Not a big booming voice from the sky kind of talk. But the still, small voice. The one you sense in your heart.

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Love Out Loud

Eighteen years ago my life changed SIGNIFICANTLY. For most women, the birth of their first born is life changing. In that way, I am no different. But what is different is that my daughter was born with trisomy 21, better known as Down Syndrome.

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You Get What You Value

Coffee, trending clothing, a good long voice text with my bestie, TikTok Fridays, car rides with my spouse, conversation with a small crowd in my home over a charcuterie board and Sunday mornings with the body of Christ. All things I spend my time and money on. All things I value.

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Does Abundance Equal Things?

Every Monday morning I gather on a zoom with about 40 women from all over the country. Two things we have in common; we love Jesus and we are building our health coaching business together. Make it three things, we all desire to grow.

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