
Four Things To Remember When You Feel Anxious

“I want to be IN my life. Not always looking toward what’s next. Not constantly pursuing the new. I want to enjoy the moment, this moment. I want to see my kids, know my husband, experience my business and relish in the fun of my family and friends.

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What You Might Not Know About Your Calling

It had filled my life for twenty-four years. That’s most of my adult life. It consumed almost all of my conversations. It cultivated many of my relationships, and it filled many dream boards and goal setting sessions my husband and I had. It consumed every fiber of our being until one day it just didn’t.

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Saying YES to God in the Hard Things

I don’t know where you are reading this from today. Might be sitting at home by yourself, just you and your laptop. Might be tablet in one hand, coffee in the other. Perhaps, you’re ear-buds-in, reading this from the Starbucks line, grabbing five minutes of Jesus and Jo before rushing off to your next thing.

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You are Exactly Where You Need To Be

I recently was having a conversation with a friend regarding circumstances of our world and the strain these serious issues put on our lives, our decisions and some of our most significant relationships.

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Three Ways To Guard Your Heart

I recently was having a conversation with a friend regarding circumstances of our world and the strain these serious issues put on our lives, our decisions and some of our most significant relationships.

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10 Bible Verses to Build Your Business

If you are reading these words it’s likely you have a dream in your heart. You have a passion that sparked a fire in your soul and you have been called to lead. Following the voice of God into unknown territories. Leading into new adventures, and no net to catch you except for His.

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Release for Renewal: Three Things to Rethink Before the New Year

As we move into a new year that might not have the fresh start feel that most new years do, I have been thinking a lot about the word renew. Closing out one year and beginning a new often brings about renewal just simply by flipping the page on the calendar year. But what does that look like for 2021?

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Jen’s Ten: Gifts Money Can’t Buy

Every year I post my “Jen’s Ten” top gifts I have found to give this Christmas. You can check out my post here on this years faves. But with so many obstacles, financial set backs and quite of few challenges even getting to the mall, I wanted to share a few other gifts that money can’t buy.

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How to Worship When You Want:Three Days without the Main Things I’ve Used to Cope in 2020

I woke up Monday morning to the still small voice that said, “fast. Jen, I want you to fast.” Now before you get to thinking how “woowoo” I am—it wasn’t audible. It didn’t startle me. It was simply the words in my head as I opened my eyes and I knew in my heart it was the Lord. I laid there for a few moments staring at the ceiling. “Really God? Why? I don’t want to. I don’t think I can.” This is when I knew it was more than my own thinking and a clear directive from the Jesus. “Fast. Three days from food and social media. I want you to cleanse.”

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Three Ways Social Media Is Interfering With The Real YOU

Has 2020 had you feeling all the ups and downs? I hate to sound cliche’ but this thing is NO JOKE. So let me first start by validating all the feels. Whether you are feeling frustrated, disappointed, angry, sad or lonely–it’s legit. These feelings just don’t deserve the power to dictate your perspective or determine your future.

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