Four Factors For Your Success That Aren’t About Your Skills Or Smarts.
I sat in the third row. It was church. Church in my house. We were fortunate to gather with our family of fourteen and worship together. The pastor’s message took us through Psalm 23. One that is common to most even if you didn’t grow up in church. The part that fell fresh on my ears was verse 5.
“You give me all I can drink of you until my cup overflows.”
I Want to BE This Kind OF Woman
“Be the kind of woman that when her feet hit the floor in the morning, the devil says, “Oh NO. She’s UP!” ~Joanne Clancy
Anytime I am up early working on who I want to be I can’t help but look at Proverbs 31. I want to take a look at verses 10-31. I won’t write them all here, but I encourage you to look them up later.
Do THIS To Create The Life You Love
I did it. We did it. God + Me + a team of incredibly gifted and faith filled women hosted an incredible online event this past Saturday called the Significant Conference.
A short four months ago, there was no plan for Significant. With the disruption of COVID, the thought of an in person live event seemed pointless. Beyond that, my family had just embarked upon a big transition just a few months prior as we resigned from the pastoral leadership of the church we planted. I’m not doing Significant.
Three Ways to Improve Your Self Worth
I am counting down to the Significant Conference. As I prepare my final thoughts in these last days before the event, my heart is so full of God’s heart toward YOU. The very definition of the word describes the heart of the event for you.
Three Reasons Comparing Yourself is Killing Your Spirit
Ever have days that you are just all in your head? Experts believe we think somewhere between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts per days. That averages out to be 2,500 to 3,300 per hour. Studies show that 85% of those thoughts are negative. Those negative thoughts wear different hats and take on different characteristics. But they are often somewhere between overthinking: putting yourself down, fearing unknowns, trying to please others and just flat-out, not feeling good enough.
Simple Ways to Create more Joy in Just 5 Minutes
Exercise is not just about aerobic capacity and muscle size. Sure, exercise can improve your physical health and your physique, trim your waistline, improve your sex life, and even add years to your life. But that’s not what motivates most people to stay active.
How To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed, Even When Everything Is Driving You Crazy
What are we doing today? What’s for dinner? Can I have a snack? Do I have to? Can I have more screen time? Can I have a snack? And the best question of them all…Are we going back to school? I don’t know!!
How to Stand when someone Told You to SIT
It was around the spring of 2010. My oldest daughter was in early elementary school. She was a long way from entering high school and darkening the doors of any kind of prom. But as a local church community announced their launch of what would be a county-wide event, hosting kids with different abilities in a “special” prom designed just for them, I stirred.
16 Things I Love and Learned
I love to talk. I’ve learned to listen. I love my opinions. I’ve learned to hold them loosely.
Covid and the Christian, What are we fighting for?
I experienced CHURCH in my room. It was a holy moment as a bold preacher validated the heaviness in my heart from the other side of a screen.