Your Calling Is a Gift, Not a Crossword Puzzle

Your Calling Is a Gift, Not a Crossword Puzzle


2 Timothy 1:9 (NIV)

He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.

Life often feels like a perplexing maze where we’re blindfolded, trying to navigate its twists and turns. Just when we think we have a handle on things, we encounter unexpected twists and confusing turns, leaving us to wonder, “This isn’t what I had in mind!”

We prefer our life’s path to resemble a child’s drawing of a mountain, always ascending and moving to the right. In reality, it’s more like a rollercoaster ride filled with ups, downs, and occasional pit stops where we obediently hang on, even though we may not fully understand why.

Amid this zigzag journey, we often find ourselves asking profound questions: “What’s my purpose? What’s my calling?” Especially when we’re standing at a bewildering crossroads, feeling as if we’ve lost our way.

Here’s some comforting news in the midst of life’s twists and turns: God is calling you.

No matter where you find yourself on your spiritual journey, His calling is guiding you. Your story has significance, and so do you. When you invite Christ into your life, it’s like activating the “start” button for your calling.

This calling is not an exclusive club with barriers and a velvet rope keeping the majority of people out. It’s a come-one-come-all celebration. Everyone is invited.

Even better, your calling is a gift. It’s not something you need to toil for, hustle for, or earn like loyalty points. It’s not a do-it-yourself project dragging you down on your never-ending to-do list. Your calling is freely given to you, intertwined with your salvation.

As 2 Timothy 1:9 beautifully articulates, “He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace.” That’s God saying, “You don’t need to figure it all out. Just walk it out.”

So, if you’re standing at a perplexing twist in your life’s maze right now, take a deep breath. Recall that your calling is a gift, not a puzzle you must decipher. You don’t need to possess all the answers. Just continue walking in obedience, keep holding on, and allow God to provide you with the strength for each new step.


How has the understanding that your calling is a gift, not a puzzle you need to solve, impacted your perspective on your life’s purpose and journey? Can you share a personal experience where this perspective has made a difference?

In what ways can you actively embrace your calling as a gift from God? What practical steps can you take to walk in obedience and trust His purpose and grace in your life, especially during those challenging twists and turns on your journey?