The Sting of Comparison

The Sting of Comparison


2 Corinthians 10:12 (ESV)

“Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.”

Comparing ourselves to others can be a dangerous trap that leads us down a dark path. Have you ever found yourself in this trap, measuring your worth and success against someone else’s? When you see others thriving, it’s easy to feel unworthy. This scripture directs us to focus on God and God alone–FULLY pleasing him. 

The strategy of the Enemy becomes especially effective when we fall into the trap of comparison, measuring ourselves against the achievements and circumstances of others. As we witness the apparent success and blessings in the lives of those around us, we can easily succumb to feelings of unworthiness. We may start to question our own value, thinking that our contributions are meager in comparison, or that our purpose is insignificant.

In these moments, the whispered insults, “See how worthy they are? And how nothing you are?” can resonate deeply, leading us to believe that we are indeed “nothing.” However, it is crucial to recognize that these thoughts are rooted in deception. God’s Word reminds us that in His eyes, we are of immeasurable worth, and He has prepared good works for us to accomplish. Let’s explore how we can reclaim our sense of worthiness and resist the Enemy’s attempts to diminish our value.


Consider the people in your life who appear to be flourishing and experiencing success.

How can you shift your perspective to celebrate their achievements as evidence of God’s blessings and grace rather than as a threat to your own worthiness?

Take a minute to reflect on the ways you are able to please God.

Now can you take a minute to consider ways can you actively support and encourage them in their journey while maintaining a healthy sense of your own worth in Christ?