Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.
Discerning God’s will can often feel like navigating through a maze. However, the latter part of Romans 12:2 offers us a beacon of hope, reminding us that as our minds are transformed by the renewing power of God, we gain the ability to test and approve what His will truly is—His good, pleasing, and perfect will.
The pursuit of God’s will is a lifelong journey that requires spiritual discernment and wisdom. It involves seeking His guidance and aligning our desires with His purpose for our lives. When we conform to the world’s patterns and pressures, we may find ourselves pulled away from His perfect plan, unsure of the path to take.
But when our minds are renewed, and we deliberately turn our thoughts towards God’s Word, our perspective changes. We become attuned to His voice, and our ability to discern His will sharpens. We begin to recognize what aligns with His character—what is good, pleasing, and perfect in His sight.
In the process of testing and approving God’s will, we may encounter decisions, challenges, and opportunities. We can hold them up to the light of His truth and evaluate whether they align with His character and purpose for our lives. This process allows us to confidently move forward in faith, knowing that we are walking in the path that He has prepared for us.
How can you practically integrate the deliberate process of discerning God’s will into your daily life, particularly through renewing your mind with His Word and prayer? What steps can you take to be more open to testing and approving the opportunities and choices that come your way?
Can you share a personal experience when you sought God’s guidance and discerned His good, pleasing, and perfect will in a decision or situation? How did this experience bring peace and fulfillment as you aligned your life with His purpose, and what did you learn from it?