Resting in Hope

Resting in Hope


Lamentations 3:25-26 (NIV)

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

Life is full of waiting. We wait for the traffic light to turn green, for our coffee to brew, for the weekend to arrive, and sometimes, we wait for answers to our prayers. Waiting can be a challenging, frustrating, and, at times, even painful experience. Yet, in the midst of waiting, we find these beautiful verses in Lamentations 3:25-26.

The author of Lamentations reminds us that our hope should be in the Lord. Our hope is not in our own abilities, in circumstances changing, or in everything going according to our plans. Our hope is anchored in God, the One who is faithful, loving, and perfectly good.

When we place our hope in the Lord, we can find rest even in the waiting. It’s good to wait quietly for His salvation. This waiting is not marked by anxiety, impatience, or restlessness; it’s a quiet, confident waiting. It’s a waiting that acknowledges that God’s timing is perfect and that His salvation, His answers, and His plans will come to pass in our lives.

In those seasons of waiting, we often question why things aren’t happening according to our schedule. But as we shift our focus and anchor our hope in the Lord, we gain a new perspective. We begin to understand that the waiting period isn’t wasted time; it’s a time of growth, refining, and drawing nearer to God.

Waiting quietly for the salvation of the Lord doesn’t mean we stop seeking Him or cease praying. It means we continue to seek Him with a sense of expectation, knowing that He will come through for us. We trust that His goodness will be evident, and His faithfulness will shine, even if we don’t fully understand His ways at the moment.

Today, if you find yourself in a season of waiting, remember to place your hope in the Lord. Seek Him with all your heart, and as you wait quietly, you’ll discover His salvation and goodness. Your hope in Him will bring you peace, and you’ll find that the Lord is indeed good to those who put their hope in Him. Your waiting will not be in vain, and in the process, your relationship with Him will grow stronger.


Take a moment to reflect on any areas of your life where you are waiting. Are you seeking God and placing your hope in Him in those circumstances?

How can you wait quietly, trusting in His goodness and timing?