Our Responsibility as Christ Followers to Raise Up the Next Generation

Our Responsibility as Christ Followers to Raise Up the Next Generation


Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (NIV)

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

As Christ followers, we are entrusted with the profound responsibility of raising up the next generation in the ways of faith, just as Moses did with the people of Israel.

In Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Moses instructs the Israelites to keep God’s commandments close to their hearts and to impress them diligently upon their children. This directive emphasizes the importance of intentional, continuous teaching of God’s Word in every aspect of life—whether at home, on the go, or at rest.

Like Moses, we are called to disciple and mentor the young, ensuring they not only hear about God’s commandments but see them lived out in our lives. This discipleship journey involves nurturing their spiritual growth, guiding them in prayer, and demonstrating the love and truth of Christ through our actions and words.

Just as Moses’ obedience to God’s instruction impacted generations of Israelites, our faithfulness in teaching and modeling God’s ways can leave a lasting legacy of faith. Through our commitment to raising children who know and follow God, we contribute to the transformation of families, communities, and nations.

Let us embrace this sacred responsibility with humility and dedication, recognizing that our efforts to disciple the next generation have eternal significance. May we faithfully fulfill our role as Christ followers, inspiring young hearts to love and serve the Lord wholeheartedly.


In what ways can we intentionally integrate the teaching of God’s commandments into our daily routines and interactions with our children or young people we mentor?

Reflect on a time when your actions or words significantly influenced the faith journey of a young person. How did that experience impact you and reinforce your commitment to discipleship?