There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.
Today is our final day together. What a year it’s been! As we conclude, reflect on how you can make today the start of something truly significant in your life. Throughout this journey, we’ve explored the depths of faith, wrestled with tough questions, and sought God’s wisdom in every season. And now, the Apostle Paul encourages us with the truth that as surely as God has started a great work in our lives, He will bring it full to completion—with a flourish!
God’s Word is a treasure trove of illuminating truth, powerful promises, and raw, honest prayers. The Psalmist, David, the guy God Himself called, “a man after my own heart,” poured out his deepest emotions—sorrow, anger, joy, and doubt—before the Lord. He shows us that God loves it when we run toward Him, depend upon His promises and authentically pour out our hearts to Him. He wants us to bring everything in our lives to Him in prayer because He knows us, He loves us, and He has exactly what we need..
Today is both an ending of one incredible journey of devotion, and in fact the beginning of what comes next. I want to leave you with five invitations—five commitments—that can guide you toward building a truly significant life:
A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, as we conclude this year of seeking You through devotions and prayer, we thank You for Your faithfulness. Help us to remain confident in Your goodness, even when circumstances seem uncertain. Teach us to wait patiently for Your timing and to trust Your plans for our lives. Grant us courage to live out these commitments each day, knowing that You are with us every step of the way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God is going to complete the work He has started in your life. I’m confident of it! May today mark the beginning of a new and fresh journey of significance and faith for you. The Lord RICHLY bless you!