Joy Certain, Even When Tomorrow is Uncertain

Joy Certain, Even When Tomorrow is Uncertain


Psalm 27:10-13 (GNT)

My father and mother may abandon me, but the Lord will take care of me. Teach me, Lord, what you want me to do, and lead me along a safe path, because I have many enemies. Don’t abandon me to my enemies, who attack me with lies and threats. I know that I will live to see the Lord’s goodness in this present life.

As much as we might love the idea of seeing into the future, nobody has a crystal ball. Even when we THINK we know what’s coming next, we rarely operate with true certainty. There are just too many things that are out of our control. So, in a very real way, tomorrow is always uncertain. But JOY can be certain every single day. Joy can be certain right this instant.

Even amidst unknowns and challenges, God invites us to hope in Him and experience His joy today. Like the Psalmist, we can say with assurance, “I may not know all that tomorrow holds, but I know it will contain the goodness of my God.”

Take a moment and release your anxieties about the future and simply rest in His peace. God holds tomorrow in His hands. He is holding YOU. As you abide in His presence, may His joy fill your heart and sustain you through every uncertainty. Even those closest to you may abandon you from time to time, but the Lord will take care of YOU. He has placed His hands upon you. He has chosen to gather you up as a Good Father does His children. And He never drops what He has decided to hold.

You can be certain of God’s goodness and faithfulness to you. Trust in His promise. Rejoice in His presence. And anchor your joy today—for this present life—in His unfailing, certain love.


Consider your current concerns or anxieties about the future.

How can resting in the certainty of God’s goodness and faithfulness help you navigate these concerns with peace and joy?

What specific practices or reminders can you use to ground yourself in His promises daily?