Friendships that Nourish Us

Friendships that Nourish Us


Proverbs 27:9 (VOICE)

The heart is delighted by the fragrance of oil and sweet perfumes, and in just the same way, the soul is sweetened by the wise counsel of a friend.

On a recent trip to France, I had the new experience of walking through some of Paris’ most elite perfume stores. The smells were so delightful and unavoidable. If you were anywhere nearby, the delight of the fragrance of sweet perfumes could not be missed.

Proverbs tells us today that in a similar way, friendships are like a fine perfume. Our heart and soul are sweetened—nourished—by the wise counsel and camaraderie of a friend. Friendship is a gift from God that nourishes our souls and brings joy to our hearts.

How have sweet friendships brought comfort and joy into your life? Can you recall a time when simply the presence of a great friend brought sweetness like a fine perfume? This is the power of a healthy, vibrant circle of friends. God uses them in our lives to provide counsel, encouragement, and companionship that refreshes and uplifts.


Just as oil and perfume bring gladness, faithful friends do, too. Walking with us through life’s ups and downs. So today, choose to cherish the friendships that God has blessed you with. Recognize their vital role in shaping you into the person God desires you to be. Maybe even pick up the phone and say thank you. You just might be a fine, sweet fragrance for them today.

May we seek to be friends who offer love, grace, and wisdom that reflect Christ’s love and share the fragrance of His presence in and through our friendships.