Embracing Change with God's Perspective

Embracing Change with God's Perspective


Romans 8:28 (NIV)

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

In the midst of our busy lives, four dear friends finally managed to set aside some precious time and gather in Los Angeles at The Grove. It was a spontaneous decision, and our schedules had made it nearly impossible for the past year. With a total of thirteen kids among us, the demands of active families, careers, and ministries kept us on our toes. Yvette’s spontaneous call the previous Sunday miraculously brought us together for a dinner at the FAT COW. As we dined on delicious food and discussed the world’s problems, we realized something profound after hours of conversation.

Despite the geographical distances that now separated us, we had shared a deep friendship for over twelve years. And in this past year, every one of us had experienced significant transitions. One friend had faced deep disappointment and disillusionment in a friendship she held dear. Another had re-entered the corporate workforce after twelve years as a stay-at-home mom. The third friend had moved back to California from Texas, leaving behind her career and a sense of purpose. Each of us had weathered a year marked by intense personal changes and challenges.

Change is an essential component of growth, and it can be incredibly challenging. Many of us tend to resist change, sometimes at any cost. Yet, as Craig Groeschel wisely put it, “To step toward your destiny, you must step away from your security.” The path of transformation often leads us through difficult, uncomfortable terrain. I, too, have encountered moments of significant change in my life, and each one brought its own form of pain. This leads to another profound discovery.

In the face of change and the resulting emotional challenges, it’s okay to experience moments of depression or hurt. Our society often promotes a quick fix for such feelings, but it’s essential to recognize that life can be difficult. As Christians, we must resist the misconception that a life marked by hardship cannot be aligned with God’s plan. Quite the opposite, in fact. It is often during our most challenging times that we are drawn closest to Him. 

Change is synonymous with stepping into the unknown, and it often triggers fear within us. We crave security, predictability, and assurance. However, change compels us to venture into the unfamiliar, leaving behind our comfort zones, and this can be frightening. The unknown can feel overwhelming. But as we surrender our lives to Christ, we find solace in the knowledge that even though we don’t know the future, it rests securely in the hands of the One who holds it all.


How do you typically respond to moments of significant change and the uncertainties they bring into your life? 

In what ways can you strengthen your faith in God as your constant guide during challenging transitions and seasons of the unknown?