Delighting in the Lord

Delighting in the Lord


Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Finding delight in the Lord is a phrase often heard, but it’s profound depth can be easily overlooked. Delighting in the Lord isn’t just about finding joy in His presence or peace in His promises; it’s about experiencing fulfillment in every aspect of our lives through Him.

It’s not merely finding satisfaction in Christ, but aligning our desires with His. When we surrender our hearts to Christ and genuinely take delight in His eternal truth, we begin to desire what He desires for us.

I remember a season in my life when my heart was set on certain desires. I prayed fervently, believing that because I found joy in Christ, He would grant my every request. However, things didn’t unfold as I had expected, and disappointment crept in. I felt as though God was silent. Yet, as I delved into God’s Word and wholeheartedly surrendered to Him, my perspective began to change.

I realized that taking delight in the Lord wasn’t about God serving my will; it was about my will serving God. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminded me to trust in the Lord with all my heart, to avoid relying solely on my own understanding, and to submit to His will. It was not a call for passive resignation but an active surrender of my desires to His divine purpose.

As I aligned my desires with God’s, I discovered a fulfillment that went far deeper and was more satisfying than any of my previous longings. The path wasn’t always easy; it often felt like a struggle. Yet, with each step taken in harmony with His will, I found a peace I had never known before.

So, if you find yourself in a season where your desires and God’s will appear to be at odds, remember this: delight in the Lord. Trust Him with all your heart. Don’t lean solely on your own understanding of what you believe is best for you. Instead, surrender your desires to Him. Submit to His will, and He will guide your path.


What desires do you need to surrender to God today?

How can you practically  take delight in Him and trust Him to guide your path?