Anchored in God's Love for Our Families

Anchored in God's Love for Our Families


Romans 8:1 (NIV)

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

In our journey of parenting, we often face the tension between under parenting and over parenting—both rooted in fear. This fear, whether of loss, rejection, or harm, reveals the enemy’s relentless assault on our families, seeking to disrupt the unity and love God designed.

But amidst these challenges, we find reassurance in God’s unwavering stance: He is unequivocally FOR us. His love extends to every aspect of our family life—our children, our marriages, and our unity as a whole.

Here are some practical steps to strengthen family unity:

– Embrace Imperfection: Create an atmosphere where mistakes are opportunities for repentance and forgiveness.

– Welcome Doubt and Questions: Foster openness and trust by discussing uncertainties and drawing nearer to God together.

– Name Your Fears: Bring anxieties about your children’s future into the light. Talk openly about changing dynamics and evolving circumstances.

– Seek Connection: Guard against isolation, a tactic of the enemy. Draw near to God and build supportive relationships within and outside your family.

– Learn from Mistakes: By acknowledging past errors, prevent the enemy from using them against you.


Take a moment to reflect on the fears that sometimes dictate our parenting styles. Are they rooted in a desire to protect or in fear of losing control?

Surrender these fears to God, knowing that His love casts out all fear.