Seeking God's Kingdom First

Seeking God's Kingdom First


Psalm 27:4 (NIV)

One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple.

In a world consumed by the pursuit of material wealth, success, and personal gain, Jesus offers us a transformative invitation – dwelling in the house of the Lord and seeking Him above all. This verse challenges us to prioritize God’s kingdom above all else—above our worries, ambitions, and desires.

Seeking God’s kingdom involves aligning our hearts, minds, and actions with His will. It means placing Him at the center of our lives and trusting Him to provide for our needs. When we prioritize seeking God’s kingdom, we cultivate a deeper relationship with Him and gain a clearer understanding of His purposes for our lives.

Jesus assures us that when we seek His kingdom first—when we prioritize growing in relationship with Him, living out His teachings, and advancing His purposes—He takes care of the rest. Our earthly needs and desires are not ignored but are fulfilled in ways that align with His perfect plan for us.

  1. Evaluate Your Priorities: Take time to assess what occupies your thoughts and actions most frequently. Are there areas where you can intentionally seek God’s kingdom first?
  2. Spend Time in Prayer and Scripture: Foster a habit of seeking God’s presence through prayer and studying His Word. Let His truth guide your decisions and shape your priorities.
  3. Trust in God’s Provision: Surrender your worries about material needs to God, trusting that He knows what you need and will provide according to His abundant grace.

Consider where your priorities lie today. Are you seeking God’s kingdom first, or are you caught up in the pursuit of worldly achievements?

How might refocusing on God’s kingdom impact your daily decisions and perspective?