Toes under the Table

Toes under the Table


Philippians 3:21 (NLT)

He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like His own, using the same power with which He will bring everything under his control.

At the heart of our family lies a cherished tradition we simply call “toes under the table.” This tradition symbolizes our commitment to sharing meals together regularly, creating a sense of togetherness that goes beyond the food on our plates. It’s about nurturing our bonds as a family, ensuring everyone has a place at our small, shared community.

The most meaningful moments occur when our table transforms into a round-table discussion. Here, we encourage open dialogue and in-depth conversation, providing our children with a platform to express themselves and fostering genuine connections. In these moments, we, as parents, must resist the urge to dominate the conversation or pass hasty judgments. Instead, we strive to stay open, curious, and receptive.

Parenting in these “open” moments can be uncomfortable, not because our children make us feel uneasy, but because it means relinquishing full control. Yet, it’s precisely in this space of surrender that we become more influential in our children’s lives.

Influence is not an entitlement; it’s a privilege we earn through trust and empathy.

When we yield control over our children’s lives to God, we join Him in the wonderful work He is doing in them.

 Surrender may be uncomfortable and counterintuitive, but it’s the path to gaining the meaningful influence we yearn for and, more importantly, what our children need. It’s about embracing our role as co-creators in God’s work, guiding our children while always yielding to God’s ultimate authority.

Today, I invite you to embrace the tradition of “toes under the table,” not only in your family meals but also in your parenting approach. Create a safe space for open dialogue with your children, resisting the urge to dominate the conversation or pass hasty judgments. Surrendering control and trusting God with your children’s lives may be uncomfortable, but it is essential for meaningful influence.

By walking this path, you will foster deeper connections with your children and partner with God in His transformative work in their lives.


What challenges do you face in surrendering control in your parenting approach, and how can you work on embracing this surrender?

In what ways can you create a safe and open space for meaningful dialogue with your children, fostering trust and empathy?