Finding Respite from Mom Guilt through Surrender

Finding Respite from Mom Guilt through Surrender


Galatians 2:20 (NIV)

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Motherhood can often feel like a battle against guilt. The guilt, like a relentless tormentor, never misses an opportunity to lash out, especially when we’re at our most vulnerable. It strives to manipulate us into believing its deceptions. We’re tricked into a desperate struggle for control, yearning for the impossible ideal of never making mistakes, and even more challenging, ensuring our children never err either.

Living up to the imposed standards of motherhood, while grappling with relentless guilt, can feel like an unending tug-of-war. We are often swayed by the illusory comparisons we make with others, a yardstick of perceived success that can swiftly plunge us into despair. The ceaseless chatter that stems from these comparisons can leave us dizzy.

Caught in this whirlpool of emotions, I often found myself doubting my choices, especially when it came to uprooting my children’s lives due to our move. As they were at an age where formative memories were being etched, I was terrified of creating a traumatic past for them. The burden of this responsibility felt almost unbearable. But in the midst of these fears, God lent a helping hand.

He revealed to me the value of progress over perfection, a principle that lies at the heart of our faith. Rather than focusing on what I can accomplish, I should direct my attention to Christ. My actions, while important, should not be a performance but rather an overflow of my deep connection with Jesus.

Like achieving sainthood, the notion of a “perfect parent” is an illusion. But when I embraced a life of surrender and continuous reliance on God, what seemed impossible began to feel achievable. Not because I was harnessing my own strength or resources, but because Jesus, through the Holy Spirit within me, was guiding my actions. This profound understanding became a salve to my mom-guilt.

Embracing this scripture implies living a life of faith in Jesus, allowing us to exchange the burden of pressure for the passion of motherhood.

In surrendering to Christ and allowing His love and guidance to flow through us, we find respite from the relentless guilt that plagues us as mothers. Our journey is not one of perfection, but of faith and trust in the One who gave Himself for us. We can rest in His grace, knowing that His strength is made perfect in our weakness, and that, as mothers, we are not alone in this beautiful and challenging calling.


How can this concept of surrender and relying on God’s guidance help you navigate the challenges and guilt associated with motherhood in your own life?

In what ways can we apply the principle of “progress over perfection” in our journey as mothers, and how does it align with the message of Galatians 2:20 in finding freedom from the burden of mom guilt?