How Disappointment Delivers For Us

How Disappointment Delivers For Us


Romans 5:3-5 (NIV)

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

We all face disappointments in life when unmet expectations and unexpected setbacks can dim our spirits. Even when we try to simplify and focus on what’s most important, life often throws non-negotiable, must-do tasks our way, and disappointment can swiftly follow. In the midst of these moments, it’s crucial to remember that disappointments are a part of life, and how we handle them can profoundly impact our growth and character.

When one of my children was younger I had to deliver disappointing news. They had worked hard to make the All-Star soccer team, but in the end didn’t make the cut. My kid’s dreams were crushed, and her disappointment was evident. In that challenging moment, I faced a choice: to offer comfort through avoidance or to embrace the opportunity for growth and resilience. 

So, I took a moment to ask God for wisdom. Then, I discovered a path to navigating disappointment.

Encourage Tears: Tears are a sign of vulnerability, and they often reveal pain, sadness, or disappointment. Rather than discouraging crying, I let my daughter express her emotions. When we cry and share our feelings, we acknowledge that something has affected us deeply. It’s a way of sowing our tears, paving the path for future joy.

Affirm Worth: I reminded her that a person’s worth is not determined by success or failure. Our worth is intrinsic and unaffected by our performance.

Embrace Resilience: Disappointment is a part of life; it can build character and resilience. Winning is enjoyable, but it’s often the times when we don’t succeed that motivate us to grow and become better. As Romans 5:3-5 suggests, suffering can lead to endurance, character, and hope. My daughter and I also discussed the importance of never giving up and how setbacks can propel us forward.

Disappointment is a universal experience, and how we navigate it reveals much about our character. Instead of avoiding or hiding from our emotions, we can encourage ourselves and our loved ones to embrace the tears, affirm our inherent worthiness, and use disappointments as stepping stones towards growth and maturity. In these challenging moments, we can find opportunities to cultivate resilience, character, and hope, knowing that we are never alone on this journey of life.


How do you handle disappointments or setbacks in your life, and what are some courageous steps you can take to support yourself or a loved one when facing disappointment?