Unlimited Power

Unlimited Power


Jeremiah 32:17 (NIV)

Ah, Sovereign Lord, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You.

In moments of doubt and uncertainty, we often need a reminder of God’s unlimited power and His ability to do the impossible. 

Jeremiah begins by acknowledging God as the Sovereign Lord, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He underscores that it was by God’s great power and outstretched arm that the entire cosmos was brought into existence. This declaration reminds us of God’s supreme authority and control over all creation.

The core message of this verse is the resounding truth that nothing is too hard for God. The same God who fashioned the vast expanse of the universe is the one who is actively involved in our lives. This means that there is no challenge, no problem, and no need that exceeds His ability to handle. His power knows no bounds.

When we face difficult circumstances or seemingly insurmountable obstacles, it’s easy to become disheartened or lose hope. It’s also easy to take the situation in your hands, to be frustrated with certain outcomes and believe you can do better than God. But Jeremiah 32:17 reminds us that God’s power is not limited by our limitations. He can provide solutions, make a way, and transform situations that may appear impossible to us.

Instead of self reliance, lean into God’s dependance and approach Him with confidence, knowing that He is not bound by the restrictions that often hinder human solutions. When we encounter challenges that seem overwhelming, we can remember that we serve a God for whom nothing is too hard.


How does meditating on God’s unlimited power, as described in Jeremiah 32:17, impact your faith and perspective when facing challenges or uncertainties in your life?

How can you practically apply the belief that “nothing is too hard for God” to your daily walk of faith?