Finding Comfort for the Heavy Soul

Finding Comfort for the Heavy Soul


Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

Recently, I attended a sort of reunion, a night filled with reconnections, laughter, and dancing. It was heartwarming to catch up with old friends, yet beneath the smiles, there was a heaviness in the room. Many seemed to be carrying the weight of their past, leaving me wondering why so many souls felt burdened. 

The reunion allowed me to peer beyond the surface of social media updates and into the hearts of my fellow alumni. I couldn’t help but notice how many of them appeared to be stuck in the same place we left years ago, only now burdened with more baggage. They seemed weary and broken from the pains of their past. As I drove home with my husband, I pondered the reasons behind these heavy souls.

It’s a question that often lingers: why do some carry the weight of their past while others find a way to rise above it? The answer lies in our response to life’s challenges. When we encounter hardship, disappointment, and struggle, we have a choice. We can either dwell on the “why” of our circumstances or shift our focus to the “what” we can do to change our trajectory.

For those of us rooted in the source of hope, the game changer is our connection with God. God’s love and compassion are boundless, and they offer us the strength to rise above life’s challenges. His faithfulness is a reminder that each day is an opportunity for a fresh start, regardless of our past.

If your life’s journey has left you feeling bitter, wounded, and low, it may be time to shift your perspective. Instead of dwelling on “why,” ask “what” you can do to change your heart’s trajectory. In this shift, you’ll discover a God who listens, responds, and offers you a new life filled with hope and purpose.

A heavy soul need not be your permanent state. The hope we find in God’s unfailing love and faithfulness is the key to a brighter future. So, when life leaves you with a heavy heart, remember to shift from “why” to “what.” God is listening, ready to guide you toward a renewed and hopeful life.


Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you felt burdened by the weight of your past or the challenges you faced? How did you respond to those feelings, and did your perspective on “why” or “what” play a role in your journey toward healing and hope?

How can you practically apply the concept of shifting your perspective from asking “why” to asking “what” in your life today? What steps can you take to seek God’s guidance, find renewal, and discover hope, even when faced with heavy burdens or past struggles?