Finding Comfort in God's Call and Promise

Finding Comfort in God's Call and Promise


Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV)

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

In the heart of suffering and despair, God extends an invitation. Jeremiah, the prophet, found himself in prison, a symbol of his people’s captivity and the city’s ruin due to sin and corruption. His situation was dire, his heart heavy, but in the midst of his trials, God’s word came to him. 

In your life, what resembles Jeremiah’s prison? Is it a broken relationship, a shattered dream, disappointment, loss of a career, health struggles, or tensions within your family? Just as Jeremiah was locked up physically, there are times when our spirits are locked up emotionally or spiritually. We may feel burdened, heavy-hearted, and in trouble, while also facing trials and temptations that seem insurmountable.

The invitation issued by God is not a casual one. It’s a call, a cry to Him, a desperate and heartfelt plea. Have you ever been in a situation where only God can deliver you, where you felt captive to your own brokenness or the challenges of life? Like Jeremiah, you may have stood at the top of the stairs, overwhelmed, and felt incapable of facing the life that lay before you.

Here’s the essence of God’s promise: He responds to the prayers of His people. The promises given to us are not meant to replace our faith in God but to encourage us to pray. It’s not just about having faith in the promises; it’s about having faith in the God who gives them. While the answer may require patience and perseverance, we are called to wait on God. His promise is that He will answer with “mighty things,” which means things that are beyond human ability or accessibility.

Jeremiah’s context was a promise of restoration, a hope for a new covenant. In Jesus Christ, we find the fulfillment of this promise. His sacrifice didn’t just pass over sin; it paid for sin and permanently removed it. The pain and brokenness we experience can lead us to seek God and cry out for help. He not only rescues but brings healing and restoration to the most valuable relationships in our lives.

The promise given to Jeremiah is also extended to you. God’s heart is full of love, and it waits for you to open your heart wide to Him. “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Just because you don’t know now doesn’t mean you won’t know.


When you face challenging situations or times of despair, what does it mean for you to “cry out” and “empty yourself before God”? How have you experienced the transformative power of seeking God’s help and confessing your need for His intervention?

Can you share a personal story or example of a time when you called upon God during a difficult period in your life and witnessed His answer, bringing comfort, restoration, or hope? How did this experience strengthen your faith and reliance on Him?