Finding Purpose in the Pause

Finding Purpose in the Pause


Psalm 62:5 (NIV)

Yes my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him.

My greatest fear in life has been that I wouldn’t matter. Perhaps some of you fear heights, public speaking, or have fears related to health and safety. But for me, it’s the fear of insignificance. I have an insatiable appetite for achievement and success. For much of my life, I measured my growth by external markers: bigger, better, faster. I kept hearing that inner voice saying, “Hustle, Jen, hustle for more.” There’s nothing inherently wrong with seeking improvement, but the problem arises when we pursue it in misguided or unhealthy ways. When others disapprove or criticize, we may start to doubt ourselves and become our own worst critics. “Hustle for more,” the voice persists.

Today, I want to suggest that where you are right now is enough. It’s not the end, and a new opportunity might be just around the corner. Perhaps, in this very moment, you can experience God’s wholeness even if you feel broken. Maybe feeling lost is precisely when you are found. Obedience to God’s leading is always the truest place you can be.

In my early twenties, I traveled the world with a mission to make a positive impact. I spoke to large crowds, prayed for many, and had a sense of purpose. But then, life took an unexpected turn. I found myself working as a receptionist in a hair salon. For two years, there were no crowds, no applause, and no great recognition. It was just me behind a desk, helping clients one-on-one. You might wonder, “Was the best behind me at 26, and was my life now defined by booking appointments and recommending shampoos?” The answer is no. This was just a moment—a moment that lasted nearly two years. But during this season of stillness, God was working something very special.

Although it was in the hidden place, that season was when I became a wife and embarked on the adventure of marriage. It was a time of learning new and challenging things. God drew me out of the spotlight and into the realm of obscurity. I was made to sit in that moment, literally behind a front desk, in that chair of obscurity. It was there that pride was crucified in me. In the hidden place, God revealed more of Himself to me. I encountered God in the silence of that salon.

So, where has God placed you? Do you feel hidden, as if life has come to a pause? Can you see Him there? Can you embrace the pause and encounter His presence? The pause has a purpose, and it’s in these moments of stillness that God often does some of His most transformative work. Embrace it, for here in this space, you may find God’s presence, even in what may seem insignificant or hidden. Your life is not over; it’s just a moment in your journey—a moment where God may be preparing you for the next step. Seek Him in the stillness, and you will find rest and purpose in the pause.


What hidden or seemingly insignificant moments in your life have you later realized held great purpose and growth?

How can you embrace the pauses in your life and seek God’s presence in those moments?