Tasting and Seeing: Delighting in the Lord's Goodness

Tasting and Seeing: Delighting in the Lord's Goodness


Psalm 34:8 (NIV)

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.

We have been talking about the ways culture encourages our hearts to find joy and the divinely different path God’s word leads. This passage guides us in the notion of “tasting and seeing that the Lord is good”. It may be contrary to the prevailing messages of modern culture to seek happiness and fulfillment in the tangible and immediate, in the things that can be seen and touched. However, I invite you to experience a different kind of delight—a spiritual delight that transcends the temporary pleasures of the world.

The psalmist uses a vivid analogy: tasting and seeing. This imagery encourages us to engage with God in a way that goes beyond intellectual knowledge. It invites us to have a personal encounter with the Lord’s goodness. Just as we would taste a delicious meal to know its flavor, we can experience the goodness of God in our lives through relationship, prayer, worship, and the study of His Word.

When we actively seek and experience God’s goodness, we find that it satisfies the deepest longings of our hearts and fills us with a joy that goes beyond momentary happiness.

The verse continues, “Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” This is an invitation to find our shelter, security, and peace in God. In a culture that often emphasizes self-reliance and external sources of happiness, taking refuge in God might seem unconventional. Taking refuge in God means entrusting our worries, anxieties, and cares to Him. It means seeking solace and protection in His presence. It’s about finding our delight in Him and making Him our refuge in times of trouble.


As you reflect on Psalm 34:8, consider how you can “taste and see” the goodness of the Lord in your own life. How can you actively engage in a deeper relationship with God, seeking His presence through prayer, worship, and the study of His Word?

How can you make Him your refuge in times of trouble, rather than turning to worldly sources of comfort?